(July 24, 2017) — Braden Walker reveals that quite a large portion of website hacks are aimed at small business websites and provides some pertinent steps on how to avoid getting your website hacked into.
Using landing pages to convert potential customers
(July 12, 2017) -- In this weeks episode of the Web Advise Video Podcast, Braden Walker talks about using landing pages to help convert potential customers by making them more of a low hanging fruit-type of client.
TXAD Internet launches two campground websites
(June 27, 2017) -- TXAD Internet has created and redesigned websites for Black Bayou RV and Cabins in Bloomington, Texas; and Tejas Valley RV Park in San Antonio.
Web Advise podcast explores adding web videos
(June 26, 2017) -- Braden Walker shares important statistics on how video can increase your customer engagement and gives some useful tips in regards to producing quality video content.
Web Advise Podcast looks at managing vs. delegating
(June 12, 2017) -- "It's very easy to make decisions based on what's the cheapest route to go when you don't understand all that goes into a service," said Walker. "Then, when that decision comes back to bite you in the butt, you realize you should hav...
Web Advise podcast explores AdWords vs. organic
(June 5, 2017) -- He shows how easy it can be by using Google's keyword planner tool and answers the question about how quickly will a new website show up at the top of Google. He finishes by answering the question about how to promote a new website o...
Web Advise Podcast focuses on website speed
(May 22, 2017) -- Walker talks about the importance of making sure that a website is up to date in the realm of speed. He talks about how Google has put huge importance on website speed and how it is a top ranking factor. He goes on to show how people ...
Web Advise podcast tackles online security
(May 15, 2017) -- Walker talks about the importance of updating the security on a website and web server. While this is no easy task for most business people, it still remains essential and should be done often and correctly by a professional, he expla...
Web Advise podcast looks at outdated Adobe Flash
(May 8, 2017) -- In the first part of the series, Walker covers how Adobe Flash has become outdated for websites and companies like Apple and Google will not support them. He goes on to show the ramifications of using Flash graphics on a website, and w...
Web Advise podcast explores website calls to action
(May 1, 2017) -- In this week's episode of the Web Advise video podcast, Braden Walker talks about the importance of incorporating calls to action, or CTAs, on a website. He covers how to utilize them and even what they should look like for the greates...