March 4, 2011 Michael

Getting referral business isn’t rocket science, it’s common sense

I work for and as a marketing company I’d love to have your business. You’d probably expect a sales pitch knowing that information and I truly think we have the most talented and caring people in the business and would put our employees up against any advertising firm. I think we can do a lot for you to boost your bottom line with greater revenues and lower costs.

However, you already have control over the group of people that will bring you the most business. No ad agency in the world can replace your repeat and referral customers. They will always be the most important and number one source of business for any industry and you have complete control over them.

Don’t get me wrong – marketing and advertising is just as important as any other part of your operation but you have to take care of your customers first before spending $1 on advertising. It’s not rocket science that taking care of your customers is good business but I bet it has a more direct effect on your bottom line than you think.

If you spend $10,000 on a Trailer Life advertisement chances are you won’t make that money back if each person who made a reservation because of that ad stayed at your park once. If you get them to the park, however, and your park offers great amenities and your office insured that every customer was taken care of (also known as selling the next visit!) then there is a good chance they’ll choose your park when they’re in the area again. People will remember the service and amenities at your park a lot more than they’ll remember an ad.

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